Can you leave the Masons once you become one?
Yes, however the knowledge gained will forever live on for the rest of the individual's life. Nothing beyond the fraternal bond of Brotherhood makes any requirement to remaining a Freemason.
What is Esoteric Masonry?
Esoteric Masonry is the personal exploration to some of the less mainstream areas of the fraternal society. Some of these aspects include personal development, spiritualism, mysticism, and so on. It can include aspects of its history not commonly looked at by mainstream historians or participants. Also, it investigates lines of religious thought that exists on the fringes of mainstream doctrine. Investigation does not mean they work to prove (or disprove) one aspect or another, to the contrary, the esoteric side of masonry seeks find additional sources of wisdom and understanding.
Why do you wear regalia?
Wearing regalia is historical and symbolic and, like a uniform, serves to indicate to members where they ranking the organization.
Is Freemasonry an international Order?
Only in the sense that Freemasonry exists throughout the free world. Each Grand Lodge is sovereign and independent, and whilst following the same basic principles, may have differing ways of passing them on. There is no international governing body for Freemasonry.
What is the relationship between Freemasonry and groups like the Orange order, Odd Fellows and Buffaloes? None. There are numerous fraternal orders and Friendly Societies whose rituals, regalia and organization are similar in some respects to Freemasonry's. They have no formal or informal connections with Freemasonry.
Are there not Masonic Groups who are involved in politics?
There are groups who call themselves Freemasons and who involve themselves in political matters. They are not recognized by other regular Grand Lodges who follow the basic principles of Freemasonry and ban the discussion of politics and religion at their meetings, under penalty of Masonic irregularity.
Isn't Freemasonry just another political pressure group?
Emphatically not.
Whilst individual Freemasons will have their own views on politics, Freemasonry as a body will never express a view on either. The discussion of politics at Masonic meetings has always been prohibited.
What is the Church's position on Freemasonry?
There are elements within the Church that misunderstand Freemasonry and confuse secular rituals with religious liturgy.
Although the Orthodox Church have occasionally criticized Freemasonry, there are many Masons and indeed others who are dismayed that the Church should attack Freemasonry, an organization which has always encouraged its members to be active in their own religion.
Many of the servants of God were and are Freemasons.
Why do you call God the Great Architect?
Freemasonry embraces all men who believe in God. Its membership includes Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Parsees and others. The use of descriptions such as the Great Architect prevents disharmony. The Great Architect is not a specific Masonic god or an attempt to combine all gods into one. Thus, men of differing religions can coexist together without offence being given to any of them.
Why do you call it the VSL (Volume of the Sacred Law) and not the Bible?
To the majority of Freemasons the Volume of the Sacred Law is the Bible. However, there are many Freemasons who are not Christian and to them the Bible is not their sacred book. They will make their promises on the book which is regarded as sacred to their religion.
Isn't Freemasonry a religion or a rival to religion?
Emphatically not.
Freemasonry requires a belief in Divinity and its principles are common to many of the world's great religions. Freemasonry does not try to replace religion or substitute for it. Every candidate is exhorted to practice his religion and to regard its Holy Book as the unerring standard of truth. Freemasonry does not instruct its members in what their religious beliefs should be, nor does it offer sacraments.
Freemasonry deals in relations between men; religion deals in a man's relationship with his God.